Page 94 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 94
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
Some Jewish schol ars recog nize
our Prophet (saas)
Jews and Christians, de scribed in the Qur'an as "People of
the Book," have some cer tain cor rup tions in their be liefs and
prac ti ces. However, they still fol low a re li gion sent down by
Allah. Allah says that the Qur'an was sent down to con firm
oth er ho ly books:
Believe in what I have sent down, con firm ing what is with
you. Do not be the first to re ject it, and do not sell My Signs
for a pal try price. Have fear and con scious ness of Me alone.
(Surat al-Baqarah: 41)
Allah reveals in another verse that some Jewish schol ars
knew the Qur'an:
It is cer tain ly in the scrip tures of the pre vi ous peo ples. Is it
not, in deed, a Sign for them that the schol ars of the tribe of
Israel have knowl edge of it? (Surat al-Shu'ara':196-97)
In his work Al-Asas fi al-Tafsir, the fa mous Qur'anic com -
men ta tor Imam Said Hawa states:
It is cer tain that the Qur'an ex ist ed in ear li er books. In oth er words,
it is re ferred to in ear li er scrip tures, or the sens es it con tains were
trans mit ted by the pro phets of oth er com mu ni ties and were present
in their books in the man ner re vealed by Allah, as can be seen in
Divine texts.
…Moderate and hon est Jewish schol ars know that the Tawrah,
Psalms, and Gospel con tain the con tents of the Qur'an; that ev ery
el e ment in it is the truth from Allah; and that this is the last book
and the last proph et of whom the ear li er scrip tures speak. 20
Jewish and Christian schol ars there fore im me di ate ly
recog nized the Prophet Muhammad (saas) as