Page 96 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 96
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
for them and bad things un law ful for them, re liev -
ing them of their heavy loads and the chains that
were around them. Those who be lieve him, hon or
and help him, and fol low the Light that has been sent
down with him, they are the ones who are suc cess ful."
(Surat al-A'raf: 157)
The fa mous Islamic schol ar Omer Nasuhi Bilmen
in ter prets this verse as fol lows:
This verse re veals that those pos sessed of the most dis tin guished
qual i ties, the best deeds and ex cel len ces in this world and the
Hereafter, are the fol low ers of the Khatam al-Anbiya' (the Last
Prophet): those who fol low the Prophet Muhammad (saas)– to whom
the Divine Book, in which the knowl edge of the past and fu ture are con -
tained, was re vealed, though he read noth ing from any one and wrote
noth ing – achieve the hon or of be ing of his com mu ni ty. He is re ferred
to by name or by his char ac ter is tics in the Tawrah and the Gospel.
There can be no doubt that he is present in name and in his char ac ter -
is tics in these books. If such were not writ ten in those books, would the
Prophet Muhammad (saas) claim to be [re ferred to] and thus give
grounds for his re jec tion? He is such a great Prophet that he com mands
and ad vis es those whom he calls to faith, all hu man i ty, to re spect and
hon or the com mands of Allah, to ac quire prop er be lief and mo ral i ty,
and to show af fec tion to crea tures (and he for bids the wrong). 21
As we can see, the fact that his com ing and the qual i ties of
this bless ed per son were fore told to the People of the Book is
an oth er of the mir a cles as so ci at ed with him. Those Jews and
Christians who, with faith and com mon sense, used their con -
science to con sid er what they saw have con firmed this ev -
i dent truth.