Page 99 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 99
here were many mir a cles in our
Prophet's (saas) life, such as the Qur'an (the
great est mir a cle), his ex cel lent mor al char ac ter, and his ac -
tions and say ings. He pro claimed the Qur'an as a guide to
the right path and reached all of his peo ple, from the least
civ il ized Bedouins to high ly civ il ized peo ple. This was al so
one of Allah's mir a cles. He com mu ni cat ed the mo ral i ty of
Islam most ef fect ive ly. Through him, peo ple who
used to bury their daugh ters alive turned in to
mer ci ful and com pas sion ate hu man be ings,
and peo ple who used to wor ship idols made
with their own hands came to be lieve in the
one ness of Allah.
Many of these mir a cles are related
in the Qur'an and the hadiths. Among
them the fol low ing: