Page 104 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 104

The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)

                 where he as cend ed. The had iths con tain a great deal of de tailed
                 in for ma tion about what he saw dur ing this event, such as his con -
                 ver sa tions with ear li er pro phets and his glimps es of Paradise and
                     According to Islamic texts, the Meccan un be liev ers doubt ed
                 this mir a cle be cause of their weak in tel lects and so tried to find

                 out if his words were true. Due to this un seem ly at ti tude, the Lord
                 hu mil i at ed them and turned their rid i cule against them:
                     They asked: "Will you de scribe the Masjid al-Aqsa to us?" Some of
                     them had been there and seen it. The Prophet (saas) re lat ed: "I be gan

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