Page 106 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 106

The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)

                      Before this event, the Prophet Muhammad (saas) had
                 nev er gone to the Masjid al-Aqsa, so it was a great mir a cle and
                 mer cy from Allah that he could an swer all of these ques tions.
                 This mir a cle in creased the be liev ers' en thu si asm and ea ger ness
                 and strength ened their bond with our Prophet (saas); some of
                 the un be liev ers, how e ver, per sist ed in their re bel lion. They
                 went to Abu Bakr and, aft er mak ing ground less ac cu sa tions

                 about our Prophet (saas), asked if he be lieved this sto ry and if
                 he would con tin ue to be lieve in our Prophet (saas). He re plied:
                 "If he said it, then I be lieve him, yes." For his loy al ty, our Prophet
                 (saas) gave him the ti tle al-Siddiq (the Faithful).
                     The had iths al so tell us that our Prophet (saas) gave them
                 one more mi rac u lous sign that they could not de ny:

                     They asked him: "What is your proof?" The Prophet re plied: "I en -
                     coun tered a car a van be long ing to Quraysh. It was at such-and-such
                     a place. The car a van was fright ened by us and changed course.
                     There was a black and a white sack on one cam el in the car a van; that
                     par tic u lar cam el cried out and then col lapsed." When the car a van
                     re turned, they asked what had hap pened and were told of the events,
                     just as the Prophet (saas) had said.  24

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