Page 105 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 105
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
The land on which the Qubbat al-Sakhra and the Masjid al-
Aqsa stand is sa cred to all Muslims.
de scrib ing the mosque. In de scrib ing some pla ces, I fell in to doubt. At
this, the mosque was brought and placed in front of the house of 'Iq al
or 'A qil. I looked at it and be gan de scrib ing it." After the Prophet's ad -
dress they ex claimed: "As for the de scrip tion, by Allah, he was cor -
rect!" 22
He al so said:
"I re mem ber be ing in al-Hijr, and the Qurayshis were ask ing me about
my Night Journey. They asked me things about Bayt al-Maqdis of
which I was not sure ... Then Allah raised it up for me to see, and there
was noth ing they asked me about that I could not tell them." 23