Page 95 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 95
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
the fore told il lit er ate proph et (no mat ter how much they did
not want to ac cept this truth). Allah states in the Qur'an that the
People of the Book will recog nize our Prophet (saas) as they
know their own chil dren, but that some will rebel in spite of
this and that those who do not be lieve in him will be dis ap -
point ed:
Those We have giv en the Book recog nize it as they recog -
nize their own sons. Yet a group of them know ing ly con ceal
the truth. (Surat al-Baqarah: 146)
Those to whom We have giv en the Book recog nize it as they
recog nize their own chil dren. As for those who have lost
their own selves, they have no be lief. (Surat al-An'am: 20)
Allah warns the Israelites in Surat al-Baqarah:
O tribe of Israel, re mem ber the bless ing I con ferred on you.
Honor My con tract and I will hon or your con tract. Have fear
and re spect of Me alone. Have be lief in what I have sent
down, con firm ing what is with you. Do not be the first to re -
ject it, and do not sell My Signs for a pal try price. Have fear
and taq wa of Me alone. Do not mix up truth with false hood
and know ing ly hide the truth. (Surat al-Baqarah: 40-42)
The on ly way that our Prophet (saas) could have known of
these bless ings and the vows they had made to Allah was if the
Lord had told him. When the Prophet Muhammad (saas) re cit ed
these vers es, the wise men of the Israelites recog nized him as the
mes sen ger for whom they had been wait ing. The People of the
Book knew who he was and that he spoke the truth due to his
way of life and mor al char ac ter. Allah re lates in the Qur'an:
Those who fol low the Messenger, the un let tered Prophet,
whom they find writ ten down with them in the Torah and
the Gospel, com mand ing them to do right and for bid -
ding them to do wrong, mak ing good things law ful