Page 16 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 16

                                      BLOOD AND HEART

                       ◆ The blood is responsible for nearly all the communica-
                   tion inside the body.
                       ◆ Raw materials necessary for the cells, and therefore for
                   the body to obtain energy, are transported in the blood.
                       ◆ The blood adjusts the body's temperature just like an air
                   conditioning unit. Thanks to its circulation, our body temper-
                   ature always remains the same.
                       ◆ As the blood flows, the defensive antibodies and white
                   cells in it are on constant duty. They are always on guard

                   against germs that might enter the body.
                       ◆ The blood is also responsible for providing the body's
                   nutrition. Foodstuffs are distributed to every cell by means of
                   the blood.
                       ◆ The veins and arteries also act as a sewage system in
                   which waste products and toxins are carried away.
                       ◆  The blood also contains a kind of repair unit, which
                   immediately identifies any tears or damage occurring in the
                   veins and repairs them. But how does this mechanism, that

                   manages such different and necessary tasks, function? What


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