Page 20 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 20

The cells in the blood represent only half the volume of blood in the body. A
                   drop of blood contains some five million red blood cells, 10,000 white blood cells
                   and 250,000 thrombocytes.

                   1.5 gallons) of blood, which represents between 7 and 8% of
                   the average body weight. Half of the blood consists of the
                   fluid or "watery" part known as plasma. The other half is
                   made up of cells and molecules with various functions. A drop
                   of blood that leaks from your finger because of a tiny cut con-
                   tains some five million red blood cells, 10,000 white blood cells
                   and 250,000 thrombocytes. In addition, each member of this
                   enormous community has very important duties. 3
                            Furthermore, these cells are constantly being
                           renewed. Every day, 260 to 400 billion new blood cells
                             are produced in the body. This truly astonishing

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