Page 18 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 18

Blood is the cause not only of life in general but also of longer or
                       short life, of sleep and watching, of genius, aptitude and strength. It
                       is the first to live and the last to die. 1

                       For a long time now, scientists have been trying to produce
                   a substance resembling blood, but they have not been suc-
                   cessful. The most important reason for this is that the secret
                   of the very special molecules carried in the blood, and the
                   functions these perform, have not yet been fully unraveled. In
                   fact, however, even if the properties of blood were to be fully
                   understood, how to reproduce molecules possessing those
                   features and making them fully functional would still repre-
                   sent a total impasse for scientists.
                       When we examine the individual elements that make up
                   the blood, this statement will become clearer. Every single
                   molecule has been charged with and shaped for a special pur-
                   pose. To put it another way, the presence of a special creation
                    in the bloodstream is manifest.
                             Rather than being simply a fluid, blood is actually a
                            tissue, like the bones and muscles in our bodies.


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