Page 17 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 17
Blood: The Incomparable
Liquid of Life
elements comprise it? What makes all these elements compat-
ible with the circulatory network? Which molecules in the
blood are responsible for which tasks? How do they perform
their duties and how do they move? Where do they receive
their instructions from and how are they organized?
All these are important questions, of course, whose
answers shall be examined in this book in detail. Those
answers also lead to a very important truth, of interest to our
entire lives: Our bodies did not emerge haphazardly. The bod-
ies that we possess have been shaped down to the finest detail.
The origin of this body cannot be coincidences as the
Darwinists have claimed for more than 150 years. Our origins
lie in creation, in which every detail has been specially created,
not in a so-called evolutionary process based on chance.
The Lord of that creation is Almighty God, Who has creat-
ed not just human beings but all living things, the entire uni-
verse, and everything that exists.
The miracle in the circulation of the blood is just one of the
matchless examples of God's creation. This book shall be
examining the details in the blood, its composition and the
organs that maintain it in motion, revealing the harmony and
flawlessness in those details and displaying the perfection in
God's creation. The superior nature of His creation is revealed
in the Qur'an, sent down to us as a guide:
Don't they see that God, Who created the heavens and
Earth, has the power to create the like of them, and has
appointed fixed terms for them of which there is no doubt?
But the wrongdoers still spurn anything but disbelief.
(Surat al-Isra': 99)