Page 80 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 80

                                      BLOOD AND HEART

                   areas in the liver and other tissues, for use at a later date. The
                   macrophages convert the rest of the hemoglobin molecule into
                   a bile pigment. 36  In conclusion, the cells' broken-down com-
                   ponents are stored in various regions throughout the body for

                   subsequent recycling, with none of them being wasted.
                       Who felt the need for such a storage system, and why? The

                                         Circulation for about 120

                                    Amino  Re-used for protein  Fe 3+  Transferrin
                          Globin    acids  synthesis
                                Iron       Fe 3+
                          Heme                       Fe 3+              Fe 3+
                                                    Bilirubin           +
                         Biliverdin                                   Vitamin B 12
                                  Bilirubin                Liver         +
                  Death of a red                                     Erythopoietin
                  blood cell and
                  phagocytosis          Kidney           Small intestine
                 Macrophage in               Urobilinogen  Bacteria
                 spleen, liver or                                   KEY:
                 red bone marrow                                         in blood
                                                                         in bile
                                                  Large intestine
                            Urine       Feces
                   Red blood cells that come to the end of their lives are broken down by
                      macrophage cells, particularly in the liver, spleen and bone marrow.
                         Macrophages release the iron from the hemoglobin into the blood to be
                           sent to storage. The rest of the hemoglobin molecule is turned into a
                            bile pigment. None of the remnants of the cell are wasted, but are
                            sent to various areas of the body for recycling.

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