Page 84 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 84
Do you realize how many foreign substances there are in a
delicious meal you eat, the air you breathe, and the people you
shake hands with? Sometimes, even the water you drink con-
tains germs that can make you ill and viruses that can go into
action at any time. Yet you will not even be aware of the pres-
ence of these often poisonous substances that enter your body,
dozens of times a day.
The reason for this is the existence of an army specially
charged with identifying and eliminating toxins. This power-
ful defense force—created by God as a blessing for human
beings, and the like of which exists nowhere else on Earth—
constantly patrols the blood vessels.
White blood cells are also known as leukocytes. Under nor-
mal conditions there are between 6,000 and 10,000 leukocytes
in 1 cubic millimeter of blood. There is an average of 500 ery-
throcytes for every leukocyte in the bloodstream. If all the
leukocytes in the bloodstream were to be gathered together,
they would just about fill a coffee cup. 37 When an infection
begins, however, the number of leukocytes in that cubic
millimeter of blood may rise to 30,000. 38