Page 81 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 81
Blood: The Incomparable
Liquid of Life
body's components are mere molecules and atoms. How did
they learn to eliminate waste products and store substances of
value to the body, such as iron, for later re-use? There is evi-
dent planning among them. Clearly, there is a Will that
decides that red blood cells should be broken down at specif-
ic times, and which entrusts this task to the macrophages. That
Will is our Lord God's, Who manifests Himself to us through
the works He creates. One way of knowing Him and compre-
hending His might is to think about the details in the entities
He has created. All these marvels we examine in the human
body are evidence that we are created by God.
Even the slightest flaw that might arise in this division of
labor within the body can lead to severe disorders, and even
death. That being so, could all these phenomena have come
about gradually, by means of random mutations? Such an
event is of course impossible. In the absence of the enzymes
that enable iron to be recycled, the body will suffer an iron
deficiency. If the hormones that ensure the production of red
blood cells fail to do their job, then the level of red cells in the
blood will continue to fall. Many systems such as this must
work together in close coordination. Therefore, it's essential
that all of the system's components need to be present and
fully formed in order for it to function. In fact, all the compo-
nents necessary for the system to function are present in your
body. This is just one of the miracles by which God reveals His
Therefore, Darwinists' nonsensical claims to the effect
that living things came into being gradually and through
chance phenomena are completely groundless, as they
are on so many other assertions. A red blood cell that