Page 83 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 83
Blood: The Incomparable
Liquid of Life
carries life to other cells of the body has to exist together with
the bone marrow that produces it, the macrophages that break
it down, the hemoglobin within it that binds oxygen, the
blood plasma in which it's carried, and the blood vessels that
transport it to all the cells. It also requires the enzymes and
hormones that allow it to multiply and decline in number, and
of course the heart, the pump that helps it move in the first
place. The absence of just one of these factors will render the
red cell useless, serving no purpose at all. It is impossible to
speak of coincidences or any imaginary process of "evolution"
in the functioning of this perfect system.
Every process that takes place in the body, every division
of labor, and every enzyme that helps perform these functions
have all been created by God and are subject to the Creator's
commandments. This has been so for every human being who
has ever lived, and the evidence of this magnificent creation
can also be seen at every moment by every person alive today.
Seeking to offer alternative explanations besides creation is a
most irrational endeavor, and one condemned to failure.
That is because God's matchless artistry is plain for all to
see, as is revealed in these terms in the Qur'an:
God is the Creator of everything and He is Guardian over
everything. The keys of the heavens and Earth belong to
Him. It is those who reject God's signs who are the losers.
(Surat az-Zumar: 62-63)