Page 20 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 20


                                                                Even though an
                                                                evolutionist him-
                                                                self, Gordon R.
                                                                Taylor says that
                                                                evolution leaves
                                                                unanswered all
                                                                questions on ani-
                                                                mal instinct.

                   Some evolutionists, who do not admit this dilemma as Taylor
               does, try to pass over such questions with vague rhetoric of no spe-
               cific meaning. According to the theory of evolution, instinctive be-
               haviors are coded in the genes.  According to this rationale, bees
               build their extraordinary and mathematically precise combs because
               of their instincts. In other words, Someone must have programmed
               into the genes of all the bees on Earth the instinct of how to construct
               regular six-sided combs.
                   If so, everyone of reason and common sense must wonder: If
               living things act out most of their behaviors because they are pro-
               grammed to do so, who programmed them in the first place? No
               program is self-generating or self-fulfilling, and every program must
               have a programmer who originated it.
                   Evolutionists can find no answers to this question. In their pub-
               lications on the subject, they use a convenient smokescreen: the
               claim that "Mother Nature" gives all creatures their innate qualities.
               But "Mother Nature" consists of rocks, soil, water, trees, and plants.
               Which of these elements could possibly make animals behave in a
               rational, conscious manner? Which part of nature has the intellect or
               ability to program living creatures? Everything we see in nature has
               been created and therefore, cannot create on its own. What intelli-

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