Page 22 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 22
containing healing for mankind. There is certainly a Sign in
that for people who reflect. (Qur'an, 16: 68-69)
Evolutionists disregard this clear fact, in order to deny the exis-
tence of God. In reality, they themselves search for an explanation for
observed animal behavior, but are well aware that the theory of evo-
lution cannot explain it. In any current evolutionist book or publica-
tion on animal behavior, you will read sentences like, "To do this re-
quires higher intelligence, but how do animals, lacking intellect, do
it? This is a question that science cannot answer."
The renowned evolutionist Hoimar Von Ditfurth's comments
on the atlas moth caterpillar are a classic example of what evolu-
tionists have to say on the obvious awareness in animal behavior:
The thought of presenting predators with decoys (other dry
leaves) in order to conceal itself is astonishing to us, but
whose clever idea is this, anyhow? It's an extremely original
strategy to send away hungry birds who hunt for caterpillars
by reducing the probability of their being discovered among
the dry leaves. Who devised it for the caterpillar to use not
long after it was hatched? . . . These are methods of survival
that intelligent humans might resort to. However, if we con-
sider the primitive central nervous system of the atlas moth
caterpillar (Attacus) as well as its other behavior, it's clearly
incapable of reasoning or designing along those lines. Then
how can this caterpillar protect itself this way? In the past,
naturalists who made such observations believed not only in
the existence of miracles, but in the existence of a supernat-
ural Creator or God Who, in order to protect His creations,
distributed such knowledge for them to defend themselves.
Such an explanation is anathema for today's naturalists. But
on the other hand, its equally pointless for modern science to
try and explain such a phenomenon with instincts. Contrary
to what most of us might believe, attributing such behavior to