Page 25 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 25

Awareness in Animals

             that Darwin proposed, means that any change (either physical or be-
             havioral) beneficial to an animal is selected in preference over others
             and thus becomes a permanent feature, to be passed on to the next
                 But here is a crucially important point that we shouldn't disre-

             gard: Darwin's theory presumes that nature is able to distinguish be-
             tween beneficial and harmful, thus making conscious decisions.
             However, no force or consciousness existing in nature is capable of
             such a feat. Neither the animal itself nor any other creature has the
             faculties to determine which behaviors are beneficial. Only a con-
             scious Being of intellect Who has created both nature and animals
             can make such selections.
                 Darwin himself admitted the impossibility of acquiring complex
             and beneficial behavior by means of natural selection. He confessed
             that his claims owe more to imagination than to science and are
             therefore flawed. Nevertheless, he persisted:
                 Finally, it may not be a logical deduction, but to my imagina-
                 tion it is far more satisfactory to look at such instincts as the
                 young cuckoo ejecting its foster-brothers, ants making
                 slaves… not as specially endowed or created instincts, but as

                             There is only one possible explanation for creatures de-
                             void of thinking and reason to show compassion and to
                             protect and feed their young: All living beings act on the
                             directions of God. The diving bird shown here, feeding
                             its young, does so by the will of God.

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