Page 24 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 24
the Chapter on Instinct in the "Origin" is specially mentioned
(Introduction, page 5) as one of the "most apparent and
gravest difficulties on the theory." 7
Instincts Do Not Develop Through Evolution
Proponents of this theory say that most animal behavior is in-
stinctive, but as we stated before, evolutionists cannot explain the
source of instincts, how they first arose, or how animals acquired
their apparently knowledgeable behavior. When some evolutionists
feel cornered, they claim that animals acquire some behaviors
through experience, and the process of natural selection automati-
cally chooses the most successful ones, which are then passed on to
the next generation, through inheritance.
You need not reflect too deeply to detect the scientific flaws in
this logic. We can now proceed to examine the errors in these evolu-
tionists' claims.
1. Invalidating the Claim that Advantageous
Behaviors are Chosen Through Natural Selection
Natural selection, one of the central mechanisms of the theory