Page 31 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 31
Awareness in Animals
Each species—whether a sea horse, bird or
goat—displays its own characteristic behavior.
If these creatures have evolved biologically as
evolutionists claim, their behavior must also
have been evolved simultaneously. This claim,
however, is irrational.
fending their nests, and propagating their species. These characteris-
tics harmonize perfectly with their existing underwater living condi-
tions. In the breeding season, some fish adhere their eggs to rocks
under water and increase the oxygen flow to them by fanning their
fins. Birds, on the other hand, conceal their eggs in specially con-
structed nests and hatch them through incubation.
Some fish build nests in rock cavities in the water, and some
land animals build nests on trees using bark and twigs as building
materials, whereas birds use grass and other fine matter. On the
other hand, some reptiles such as crocodiles, bury their eggs in sand
where they remain for their two-month incubation period.
Mammals, which evolutionists claim to have evolved from rep-
tiles, reproduce altogether differently from other class of animals.
While all other species lay eggs, mammals carry their young in their
womb for months before giving birth to them, and then feed their ba-