Page 33 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 33

Awareness in Animals

             come, then, that all living things can behave in the most perfect
             ways, each one befitting its biological and environmental condi-
                 In The Origin of Species, Darwin refers to this criticism:

                 It has been objected to the foregoing view of the origin of in-
                 stincts that "the variations of structure and of instinct must
                 have been simultaneous and accurately adjusted to each
                 other, as a modification in the one without an immediate cor-
                 responding change in the other would have been fatal."
                 As we have seen, neither evolutionary processes, nor coinci-
             dences, nor "Mother Nature" can explain the behavior of animals
             and the true origins of instincts. How did species acquire the quali-
             ties that enable them to continue their existence?
                 Actually, the answer is clear and obvious. Anyone who has ob-

             served living organisms must agree that clearly, these behaviors nei-
             ther originate in them nor are the product of successive "selective"
             coincidences. The true source for animal behavior is to be found nei-
             ther in their bodies nor in their environment. It is self-evident that
             these behaviors are governed by an invisible power and intellect,
             which belong to God, the most compassionate and merciful.

                 Conclusion: All Living Things Act on the Urging
                 and Behest of God
                 As we've seen in the previous pages, evolutionists dealing with
             the subject of animal behavior are facing serious difficulties. On the
             other hand, the truth is clear. If animals, which clearly do not have
             intellect or the ability to reason, can discriminate between details,
             link up events, make the proper decisions, and plan for or predict
             subsequent events that require intelligence and awareness, they
             must be governed and directed by some power outside themselves.
             Evolutionists say that animals are "programmed" to behave in cer-

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