Page 32 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 32
bies with mother's milk.
Each animal hunts for food
in a different way. Some lurk in
ambush over an extended pe-
riod, others camouflage them-
"And in your creation selves, and yet others use the ad-
and all the creatures vantages of speed or flight. As
He has spread about we know, land animals' behavior
there are Signs for varies considerably from that of
people with certainty." water dwellers, all depending on
(Qur'an, 45: 4) their environment and living
Under these circumstances,
animals' instincts must undergo
great changes during the evolu-
tionary process. For instance if a
fish, following its instincts, sticks its eggs onto a rock and stirs up
the water to provide an oxygen flow to them, this inner drive must
also change, in the process of its evolving into a land animal.
Furthermore, this instinct must change further, to the extent where
the species starts building perfect nest structures high above the
ground to incubate its eggs.
This is clearly not possible.
Yet another difficulty presents itself: If a species' biological
makeup and therefore, its living environment change, but its behav-
ior does not, then it cannot survive. For instance, a fish able to con-
ceal itself in the oceans must quickly develop new defense mecha-
nisms for itself, wasting no time. All of its bodily functions, behav-
ior, and way of life must change at once. Otherwise, it is doomed,
and its species will quickly die out along with it.
Obviously a creature devoid of logic and awareness cannot
make such sudden decisions requiring reason and strategy. How