Page 236 - Die Erschaffung des Universums
P. 236
1 Arthur Koestler, Janus: A Summing Dispute", Nature, Bd. 337, 1989, S.
Up, New York: Vintage Books, 216
1978, S. 250. 13 Herbert Dingle, Science at the
2 Andrei Linde, "The Self- Crossroads, London: Martin Brian
Reproducing Inflationary & O'Keefe, 1972, S. 31f.
Universe", Scientific American, Bd. 14 Stephen Hawking, A Brief History
271, 1994, S. 48 of Time, New York: Bantam Books,
3 George Politzer, Principes 1988, S. 46
Fondamentaux de Philosophie, 15 John Maddox, "Down with the Big
Editions Sociales, Paris 1954 ,S. 84 Bang", Nature, Bd. 340, 1989, S. 378
4 S. Jaki, Cosmos and Creator, 16 H. P. Lipson, "A Physicist Looks at
Regnery Gateway, Chicago, 1980, Evolution", Physics Bulletin, Bd.
S. 54 138, 1980, S. 138
5 Stephen Hawking, A Brief History 17 Paul Davies, Superforce: The
of Time: A Reader's Companion, Search for a Grand Unified Theory
1993, S. 63 of Nature, 1984, S. 184
6 Henry Margenau, Roy Abraham 18 Fred Hoyle, The Intelligent
Vargesse, Cosmos, Bios, Theos, La Universe, London, 1984, S. 184 f.
Salle IL: Open Court Publishing, 19 Paul Davies, Superforce: The
1992, S. 241 Search for a Grand Unified Theory
7 Hugh Ross, The Creator and the of Nature, 1984, S. 184
Cosmos: How the Greatest 20 Bilim ve Teknik (Wissenschaft und
Scientific Discoveries of the Technik) Nr. 201, S. 16
Century Reveal God, Colorado: 21 Stephen Hawking, A Brief History
NavPress, überarbeitete Of Time, Bantam Press, London:
Neuauflage, 1995, S. 76 1988, S. 121 ff.
8 William Lane Craig, Cosmos and 22 Paul Davies. God and the New
Creator, Origins & Design, Physics. New York: Simon &
Frühjahr 1996, Bd. 17, S. 19 Schuster, 1983, S. 189
9 William Lane Craig, Cosmos and 23 Michael Denton, Nature's Destiny:
Creator, Origins & Design, How the Laws of Biology Reveal
Frühjahr 1996, Bd. 17, S. 19 Purpose in the Universe, The New
10 William Lane Craig, Cosmos and York: The Free Press, 1998, S. 12 f.
Creator, Origins & Design, 24 Paul Davies, The Accidental
Frühjahr 1996, Bd. 17, S. 20 Universe, Cambridge: Cambridge
11 Christopher Isham, Space, Time University Press, 1982, Vorwort.
and Quantum Cosmology, Studie, 25 Hugh Ross, The Creator and the
präsentiert auf der Konferenz Cosmos, S. 122 f.
"God, Time and Modern Physics", 26 Roger Penrose, The Emperor's
März 1990, Origins & Design, New Mind, 1989; Michael Denton,
Frühjahr 1996, Bd. 17, S. 27 Nature's Destiny, The New York:
12 R. Brout, Ph. Spindel, "Black Holes The Free Press, 1998, S. 9