Page 315 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 315

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                 apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material
                 explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying
                 to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, so we cannot
                 allow a Divine [intervention]…393allow a Divine Foot in the door. 385
                 The term "a priori" that Lewontin uses here is quite important. This
             philosophical term refers to a presupposition not based on any
             experimental knowledge. A thought is "a priori" when you consider it to
             be correct and accept it as so even if there is no information available to
             confirm it. As the evolutionist Lewontin frankly states, materialism is an
             "a priori" commitment for evolutionists, who then try to adapt science to
             this preconception. Since materialism definitely necessitates denying the
             existence of a Creator, they embrace the only alternative they have to
             hand, which is the theory of evolution. It does not matter to such scientists
             that evolution has been belied by scientific facts, because they have
             accepted it "a priori" as true.
                 This prejudiced behavior leads evolutionists to a belief that
             "unconscious matter composed itself," which is contrary not only to
             science, but also to reason. The concept of "the self-organization of matter,"
             which we examined in an earlier chapter, is an expression of this.
                 Evolutionist propaganda, which we constantly come across in the
             Western media and in well-known and "esteemed" science magazines, is
             the outcome of this ideological necessity. Since evolution is considered to
             be indispensable, it has been turned into a taboo subject by the circles that
             set the standards of science.
                 Some scientists find themselves in a position where they are forced to
             defend this far-fetched theory, or at least avoid uttering any word against
             it, in order to maintain their reputations. Academics in Western countries
             have to have articles published in certain scientific journals in order to
             attain and hold onto their professorships. All of the journals dealing with
             biology are under the control of evolutionists, and they do not allow any
             anti-evolutionist article to appear in them. Biologists, therefore, have to
             conduct their research under the domination of this theory. They, too, are
             part of the materialist order, which regards evolution as an ideological
             necessity, which is why they blindly defend all the "impossible
             coincidences" we have been examining in this book.

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