Page 320 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 320
As for the earth, We stretched it out and cast firmly embedded
mountains in it and made everything grow in due proportion on it.
And We put livelihoods in it both for you and for those you do not
provide for. (Surat al-Hijr: 19-20)
And the earth:how We stretched it out and cast firmly embedded
mountains onto it and caused luxuriant plants of every kind to
grow in it. (Surah Qaf: 7-8)
The above verses announce that all plants were created by Allah. All
plants, known and unknown, all trees, grasses, fruit, flowers, seaweed and
vegetables were created by Allah.
And the same thing applies to animals. All of the millions of different
animal species that live, or have ever lived, on earth, were created by
Allah. Fish, reptiles, birds, mammals, horses, giraffes, squirrels, deer,
sparrows, eagles, dinosaurs, whales, and peacocks were all created from
nothing by Allah, the Lord of infinite art and knowledge. Allah's creation
of the different species of living things is mentioned in the verses:
Allah created every animal from water. Some of them go on their
bellies, some of them on two legs, and some on four. Allah creates
whatever He wills. Allah has power over all things. (Surat an-Nur: 45)
And He created livestock. There is warmth for you in them, and
various uses and some you eat. (Surat an-Nahl: 5)
And Allah created man in exactly the same way. It is revealed in the
Qur'an that Adam, the first man, was created from mud, and then all
subsequent people came into existence from each other by a simple liquid
(sperm). Furthermore, man had a soul breathed into him, unlike all the
other species in the world. The Qur'an has this to say about the truth of the
creation of man:
He Who has created all things in the best possible way. He
commenced the creation of man from clay;then produced his seed
from an extract of base fluid. (Surat as-Sajda: 7-9)
Man's Duty
As we made clear at the start, science has once again revealed the
truth of creation, as handed down in the Qur'an. Scientific discoveries