Page 316 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 316


                  The Definition of the "Scientific Cause"
                  The German biologist Hoimar von Ditfurth, a prominent
             evolutionist, is a good example of this bigoted materialist understanding.
             After Ditfurth cites an example of the extremely complex composition of
             life, this is what he says concerning the question of whether it could have
             emerged by chance or not:
                  Is such a harmony that emerged only out of coincidences possible in reality?
                  This is the basic question of the whole of biological evolution. ...Critically
                  speaking, we can say that somebody who accepts the modern science of
                  nature has no other alternative than to say "yes," because he aims to explain
                  natural phenomena by means that are understandable and tries to derive
                  them from the laws of nature without reverting to supernatural
                  interference. 386
                  Yes, as Ditfurth states, the materialist scientific approach adopts as
             its basic principle explaining life by denying "supernatural interference,"
             i.e., creation. Once this principle is adopted, even the most impossible
             scenarios are easily accepted. It is possible to find examples of this
             dogmatic mentality in almost all evolutionist literature. Professor Ali
             Demirsoy, the well-known advocate of evolutionary theory in Turkey, is
             just one of many. According to Demirsoy, the probability of the
             coincidental formation of cytochrome-C, an essential protein for life, is "as
             unlikely as the possibility of a monkey writing the history of humanity
             on a typewriter without making any mistakes." 387
                  There is no doubt that to accept such a possibility is actually to reject
             the basic principles of reason and common sense. Even one single
             correctly formed letter written on a page makes it certain that it was
             written by a person. When one sees a book of world history, it becomes
             even more certain that the book has been written by an author. No logical
             person would agree that the letters in such a huge book could have been
             put together "by chance."
                  However, it is very interesting to see that the evolutionist scientist
             Professor Ali Demirsoy accepts this sort of irrational proposition:
                  In essence, the probability of the formation of a cytochrome-C sequence is as
                  likely as zero. That is, if life requires a certain sequence, it can be said that
                  this has a probability likely to be realized once in the whole universe.
                  Otherwise some metaphysical powers beyond our definition must have

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