Page 321 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 321

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

             show that living things possess extraordinary features, and that they were
             brought into existence by a superior intelligence and knowledge.
             Biological observations show that one living species cannot turn into
             another, and that for that reason, if one could go back in time, one would
             eventually come across, for each species, the first individuals that ever
             existed and that were created from nothing. For example, since eagles
             have always been eagles, if we could go back in time, we would arrive at
             the first pair, or group, of eagles who were created from nothing. In fact,
             the fossil record confirms this, and shows that different living species
             suddenly emerged with all their particular, individual features. These
             species may have been created at different points in time and settled in
             different parts of the world, but this all happened through the will of
                  In short, science reveals the proof we have considered that living
             things were all created by Allah.
                  However, science goes no further than that. It is the Qur'an, the holy
             book that has come down to us from Allah, that introduces us to the
             essence of Allah and is the sole source of truth on every subject that tells
             us why we were created and what the reason for our lives is.
                  It is stated in the Qur'an that the reason for our creation is so that we
             might believe in Allah, our Lord, and serve Him. In one verse, He says, "I
             only created jinn and man to worship me." (Surat adh-Dhariyat: 56) The
             duty falling to everyone who grasps the truth of creation is to live in
             accordance with that verse, and to say, "Why indeed should I not
             worship Him Who brought me into being, Him to Whom you will be
             returned?" (Surah Ya Sin: 22), like every believer, as described in the
                  As for those who still deny Allah and the truth of creation, despite all
             the evidence before their eyes, their minds have been conquered by their
             own pride. One of Allah's holy verses describes how helpless and
             powerless these individuals really are:

                  Mankind! an example has been made, so listen to it carefully.
                  Those whom you call upon besides Allah are not even able to create
                  a single fly, even if they were to join together to do it. And if a fly
                  steals something from them, they cannot get it back. How feeble are
                  both the seeker and the sought! (Surat al-Hajj: 73)

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