Page 353 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 353
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
straightforward, forceful way. Materialists see that the material world, in
which they blindly believe and on which they rely and depend,
disappears altogether. In the face of this fact, they can do nothing.
Throughout human history, materialist thought has always existed. Being
assured of themselves and their philosophy, materialists ignorantly
revolted against Allah Who created them. Unreasonably and
unscientifically, they maintained that matter is eternal, that none of it
could possibly have had a Creator. (Surely Allah is beyond that) While
denying Allah out of their arrogance, they took refuge in the lie that matter
had absolute existence. So confident were they of this philosophy that they
believed that no arguments could ever disprove it.
That is why this book's facts regarding the real nature of matter so
surprised these people. What we've related here destroyed the very basis
of their philosophy and left no grounds for further discussion. Matter, on
which they based all their thoughts, lives, arrogance, and denial, suddenly
One of the attributes of Allah is His plotting against the unbelievers.
This is stated in the verse; "They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but
the best of planners is Allah." (Surat al-Anfal: 30)
Allah entrapped materialists by making them assume that they are in
direct contact with the original of matter and in so doing, humiliated them
in a way never seen before. Materialists deemed they knew the originals
of their possessions, status, rank, the society they belonged to, the whole
world and everything else of which they actually experienced only the
copies. Moreover, by relying on these, they ignorantly grew arrogant
against Allah. By displaying the greatest unreason and being boastful,
they revolted against Him and added to their unbelief. While so doing,
they relied on matter. Yet so lacking are they in understanding that they
fail to realize that Allah compasses them round about. Allah announces
the state to which the unbelievers are led as a result of their thick-
Or do they intend a plot [against you]? But those who defy Allah
are themselves involved in a Plot! (Surat at-Tur: 42)
Theirs is most probably the biggest intellectual defeat in history.
While growing arrogant of their own accord, materialists have been