Page 355 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 355

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

             "intellectual" discourse. They deemed themselves wise enough to argue
             about the truth of the universe and, more seriously thought unworthy
             thoughts about Allah with their limited intelligence. Allah explains their
             situation in the following verse:
                 And [the unbelievers] plotted and planned, and Allah too planned,
                 and the best of planners is Allah. (Surah Al ‘Imran: 54)
                 One may possibly escape from some plots in the world; but Allah's
             plan against the unbelievers is so firm that there is no avoiding it. No
             matter what they do or to whom they appeal, never can they find any
             helper other than Allah. As Allah informs us in the Qur'an, "they shall not
             find for them other than Allah a patron or a help." (Surat an-Nisa’: 173)
                 Materialists never expected to fall into such a trap. Having all the
             means of the twentieth century at their disposal, they believed they could
             grow obstinate in their denial and drag others into disbelief. This ever-
             lasting mentality of unbelievers and their end are described as follows in
             the Qur'an:
                 They plotted and planned, but We too planned, even while they
                 perceived it not. Then see what was the end of their plot! - this, that
                 We destroyed them and their people, all [of them]. (Surat an-Naml:
                 This, in another sense, is what the fact stated in the verses comes to
             mean: Materialists are now told that they merely have experience of the
             copies in their brains of everything they own, and therefore, everything
             they possess has been rendered valueless. As they witness their
             possessions, factories, gold, money, children, spouses, friends, rank and
             status, and even their own bodies—the originals of all of which they
             believe they know—slipping out of their hands, they are in a sense
             destroyed. At this point, they are no longer material entities but souls.
                 Realizing this truth is doubtless the worst possible thing for the
             materialists. This is, in their own words, tantamount to "death before
             dying" in this world.
                 With the verse, "Leave Me alone, [to deal] with the [creature] whom
             I created [bare and] alone!" (Surat al-Muddaththir: 11) Allah has revealed
             the fact that each human being is, in truth, all alone in His Presence. This
             remarkable fact is revealed in many other verses:

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