Page 358 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 358
E verything related so far demonstrates that we never have direct
contact with the external world, that we only know the version of
matter as it exists in our minds and that one actually leads one’s
whole life in “spacelessness.” Asserting the contrary would be to
profess a superstitious belief removed from reason and scientific truth, for
what is set out here are all technical and scientific facts even described in
middle school textbooks.
This refutes the primary assumption of the materialist philosophy
underlying evolutionary theory—the assumption that matter is absolute
and eternal. The materialistic philosophy's second assumption is that time
is also absolute and eternal—a supposition just as superstitious as the first.
The Perception of Time
What we call "time" is in fact a method by which one moment is
compared to another. For example, when a person taps an object, he hears
a particular sound. If he taps the same object five minutes later, he hears
another sound. Thinking there is an interval between the two sounds, he
calls this interval "time." Yet when he hears the second sound, the first one
he heard is no more than a memory in his mind, merely a bit of
information in his imagination. A person formulates his perception of time
by comparing the moment in which he lives with what he holds in
memory. If he doesn't make this comparison, he can have no perception of
time either.