Page 39 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 39

                                         The Antichrist

            of a system built upon the concept of race. It is clear, however, that in an
            environment in which every race thinks it is superior there will never
            be an end to war and conflict. The disasters that fascist dictators, such
            as Hitler and Mussolini, have inflicted on their people are some of the
            most striking proofs of the fact that the ideas espoused by fascism are
            nothing but falsehoods.
                 The above-mentioned characteristics are just a few examples to

            give you a general idea of these ideologies. When one considers the
            way these ideologies are implemented, it becomes still more obvious to
            what extent they are inherently violent and brutal. Yet, the truly impor-
            tant thing to note is the way of the Antichrist, and the ideologies linked
            to it, can be adopted by whole segments of society, despite all the terri-
            ble destruction they inflict. For that reason, it is most important to ex-
            amine the way in which the system of the Antichrist brings society
            under its control. To reveal how that is done will be the first round shot
            in the war of ideas to be waged against that system. That is to say, that

            people do not suddenly become selfish, aggressive, ruthless individu-
            als filled with hatred and a thirst for revenge overnight. As we have al-
            ready seen, they can only be accustomed to the system of the Antichrist
            over time, in stages. The process begins when people first become con-
            scious of their surroundings beginning the learning process, and it con-
            tinues throughout their lives. That indoctrination starts with turning
            people away from faith in God.

                 The primary sects we have been considering themselves consist of
            different groups and adherents. Subsequent chapters of this book will
            examine the links between the Antichrist and terrorism and these sub-
            groups. However, it will first be useful to have a look at how the
            Antichrist is treated in the Qur'an.

            Fascist dictators, such as Hitler, Mussolini and Franco,
            caused the deaths of thousands of people, and the suffering
            of millions more, for the sake of their fascist ideology.
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