Page 43 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 43

                         The Nature Of The Antichrist As Described In The Qur'an

                 And the self and what proportioned it and inspired it with deprav-
                 ity and a fear of God, he who purifies it has succeeded, he who cov-
                 ers it up has failed. (Qur'an, 91: 7-10)
                 Nevertheless, a great number of people suppress and ignore the
            voice of their conscience, and allow themselves to be ruled by their
            egos. There are enormous differences between a man who is ruled by
            his ego and the man who is governed by his conscience. Someone who

            listens to the voice of his conscience behaves with moderation and con-
            trols his anger when faced with a trying situation. He who obeys his
            ego, however, is swept away by his anger and acts out feelings of ha-
            tred and vengeance. In the same way, when someone who has experi-
            enced an injustice listens to the voice of his conscience, he knows that
            he must answer that injustice with fairness and even-handedness, not
            with a further injustice. The person who follows only his selfish de-
            sires, on the other hand, will want to retaliate against the person who
            committed the injustice against him. The man who listens to his con-

            science is compassionate, tolerant, patient and willing to make per-
            sonal sacrifices. The man who listens to his ego is ruthless, cruel,
            impatient and selfish. That is why it is impossible to speak of peace in
            any society where those who listen only to their own egos are the ma-
            jority. In fact, God has revealed that there will be no stability in the
            world as long as people hearken to their selfish desires:

                 If the truth were to follow their whims and desires, the heavens and
                 the earth and everyone in them would have been brought to ruin.
                 No indeed! We have given them their Reminder, but they have
                 turned away from it. (Qur'an, 23: 71)
                 That is one of the reasons why the Antichrist targets religious and
            spiritual values. The morality of religion requires people to listen to the
            voice of their conscience and avoid the wickedness their desires might
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