Page 40 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 40
he Prophet Muhammad's descriptions of the Antichrist
in the hadiths strongly resemble the criminal-sinner char-
acter that appears in the Qur'an. The examples of im-
morality described in the Qur'an, such as lying, injustice, ruthlessness,
cruelty, encouraging wickedness amongst people, as well as what the
disbelievers attempt to pass off as morality in order to turn people
away from religion, are also the principle characteristics of those ide-
ologies disbelievers by Darwinism.
The people that God refers to as "evildoers" in the Qur'an are those
who spread chaos and terror in the world, who scheme various plans
towards that end, and side with evil. Such people refuse to recognize
the limits set by God, refuse to live by the morality of religion, and have
a tendency to sin and wickedness. As God says, "The evildoers are in-
deed misguided and insane" (Qur'an, 54: 47), the road taken by those
who adopt that version of morality is a deviant one. Various features of