Page 103 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 103
Adnan Oktar
protect the duodenum. These secretions, as already mentioned, reach
the duodenum through the pancreatic duct.
The organ that sets the hormones in motion is the stomach—an-
other organ consisting of fats and proteins. As its digestion continues,
the stomach sends a message to the duodenum, as if it knew that the
potentially dangerous foodstuffs are headed there next. It immediately
begins secreting the needed hormones in question and releasing them
into the bloodstream. At first glance, this would seem to be a risky busi-
ness, because the blood travels through the entire body. Therefore,
these hormones need to know where they must carry their signal. But
in fact, they transmit their message to the pancreas alone, without stop-
ping off at any other cells. As evidence of the infinite detail within His
creative artistry, Allah has created the molecular structure of these hor-
mones to interact only with receptor molecules on the membrane of the
pancreatic cells.
The pancreas is an organ 6 inches in
size, lying behind the stomach.
Despite its small size, this organ per-
forms the very important manufacture
of pancreatic juice containing diges-
tive enzymes. Every day the pancreas
produces some 5 liters of this fluid,
which contains countless factors es-
sential for life.