Page 107 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 107
Adnan Oktar
zymes which, when it receives them from other regions of the body, it
can convert into digestive enzymes. For the pancreas, this task is very
different and more difficult, and since it must work harder, it enlarges.
This enlargement does the pancreas no harm, though it does cause pain
to the body, and the use of the body's metabolic enzymes for digestive
purposes does mean a reduction in the functions of other organs. Dr.
Edward Howell explains:
The pancreas must send message to all parts of the body looking for en-
zymes it can reprocess into digestive enzymes. It may even invade the
warehouse of the precursors. In a pinch it will beg, borrow, or steal them.
When it finds them it has work to do. Changing metabolic enzymes into
digestive enzymes means extra work for the pancreas. It must get bigger,
just as a muscle grows from more exercise. This enlargement may not
harm the pancreas, but when it confiscates metabolic enzymes it punish-
es the whole body by depriving it of mechanics every organ and cell
needs to carry on their process and functions. 66
Michael Behe is a professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University.
In his book Darwin's Black Box, he described in full detail the complex-
ity involved in the blood-clotting process and the systematic way that
enzymes function, pointing to the complex and interconnected details
in the clotting system as evidence of what he announced as "irreducible
complexity." In the following passage, Behe describes another example
of the human body's irreducible complexity: the importance of the pan-
creatic enzymes, one of the most valuable components of the digestive
Pancreatic enzymes, which have to digest a wide variety of protein food-
stuffs, are among the most nonspecific of enzymes. Now, that would pose
a severe health threat to the organism even greater than just an unregu-
lated clotting cascade. For example, if the digestive enzyme precursor
trypsinogen were mistargeted to the bloodstream, the potential for disas-
ter would be very large. In the pancreas, misactivation of trypsinogen is