Page 27 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 27

Adnan Oktar

             Let evolutionists, who believe in the creative power of chance, take an enormous bar-
             rel. Let them place in it whatever substances they think will be needed to produce a
             living cell. Then let them warm the barrel, chill it or let lightning strike it. Let them
             stand guard over the mixture for billions or even trillions of years, passing their task
             down from one generation to the next. Let them leave nothing to chance, watching
             over the mixture at every moment. Let them be free to employ whatever conditions
             they think are necessary for life to emerge . . .

               They will still be unable to extract a single cell from their barrel.
               They will be unable to produce a horse, butterfly, flower, duck,
               cherry, lemon, owl or ant. No matter what they do, they will be
               unable to produce scientists who examine themselves under the
               microscope, human beings who think, reason, make judgments,
               feel excitement, rejoice or grieve.

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