Page 29 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 29
Adnan Oktar
with different functions have different kinds of enzymes. Cells work
only with those enzymes that will carry out the required reactions.
Therefore, the specific enzymes any cell produces are an important ele-
ment in identifying that cell's actions and functions.
Fred Hoyle made the following calculation regarding the aston-
ishing power of enzymes:
The probability of forming the 2,000 or so enzymes needed by a cell lies
in the realm of 1 in 10 40,000 . This makes the conceptual leap from even the
most complex ‘soup' to the simplest cell in the time available (that is
about 500 million years) so dramatic that it requires some suspension of
rationality in order to accept it. 14
All the structures of the living things on Earth have different lev-
els of complexity. And the enormous variety of structures they possess
reveal only a flawless creation. Living things possess molecular
"handymen" that divide tasks among themselves, constantly communi-
cate with one another, act dependently on each other and carry out true
miracles of efficiency. It is impossible for them to decide beforehand
how many reactions they will enter into, to then act in a conscious man-
ner, know which cell to operate in, determine what processes to accel-
Enzymes combine with various chemicals, impel them into amazingly fast reactions,
and then depart. A brand new product now emerges. This special ability of enzymes
allows life to continue.