Page 30 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 30
Harun Yahya
erate and by how much. Yet although this is indeed impossible, en-
zymes never make a mistake, because all their actions are inspired.
It is Allah Who constantly inspires them with what they have to
do. And it is He Who continually creates them. In the same way that
Allah gives a human being both a body and a soul, and creates him
with all his perfect organs and senses, He also creates with the same
perfection the extraordinary events that take place within the cell. For
that reason, the enzyme system functions perfectly, just like the other
systems inside the cell. No power apart from Allah's can create these,
and Allah reveals this fact in one verse:
Is it other than the religion of Allah that you desire, when everything
in the heavens and Earth, willingly or unwillingly, submits to Him and
to Him you will be returned? (Surah Al ‘Imran: 83)