Page 16 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 16
The Cambrian Evidence That Darwin Failed to Comprehend
years? Evolutionists cannot offer any logical scenario to answer that
Many of the facts revealed by science are by themselves sufficient
to demolish the theory of evolution. However, one piece of evidence
demolishes the very foundations of the theory and poses practically
every question that Darwinists cannot explain—namely, the variety
and complexity of life, exhibited with such magnificence all over the
world, some 530 million years ago.
The eyeball, for which evolutionists attempt to account with de-
velopmental scenarios, existed in all its complexity at a time when, ac-
cording to evolutionists themselves, no
“eye-like” organs should have existed.
In an environment in which only
single-celled organisms had ex-
isted, a wealth of highly com-
plex living species suddenly
came into being, with no trace
at all of any supposed forerun-
ners, as if to provide living
proof to refute the theory of
So persuasive is the
fossil record, and so
compelling is this phe-
nomenon from evolu-
tionists’ point of view,