Page 19 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 19


                                ife on Earth exhibits the most amazing
                                variety. From the Poles to the Amazon,
                     from mountain peaks to the ocean deeps, our planet
                    overflows with an endless variety of life forms. Its many
                    organisms, from bacteria to worms, from ants to trees,
                   from sea gulls to dolphins, have each been equipped with
                   extraordinarily sensitive systems and gloriously complex
                   structures, thanks to which they can survive in such close har-
                  mony with their environment. These systems, whose details
                  are still being discovered by biologists, contain features that
                  astonish human beings.
                       Scientists and thinkers have investigated nature in all pe-
                  riods of history, witnessed its flawless harmony and planning,
                  and have sought to answer such questions as these:
                       * How did such a wide variety of living things first ap-
                   pear on Earth?
                        * How did they acquire the ideal systems in their bod-
                    ies that permitted them to thrive?
                          * How is such harmony and equilibrium be-
                       tween these organisms possible?
                              In any search for the answers to these
                           questions, the origin of multi-celled or-
                              ganisms assumes a particular im-
                                  portance, because they
                                    make the greatest
                                     contribution to

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