Page 22 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 22

The Cambrian Evidence That Darwin Failed to Comprehend

                   as subspecies barely distinguishable from one another. And these sub-
                   species should diverge from one another more and more over the course
                   of time. Higher biological categories such as families, order and classes
                   should gradually appear as the living world expanded—that is, slowly.
                        All these four requirements can be summed up as the condition of
                   continuity. That is because evolutionists claim that all forms of life are
                   descended from one another, straight back to that first imaginary cell.
                   They believe that the process of change between species took place on
                   a constant basis. Such continuity logically demands that countless inter-
                   mediate forms must once have existed—and so, evidence of their as-
                   sumed evolutionary development must be observable—in fact, plenti-
                   ful!—in the fossil record.
                        On the other hand, the fact of creation requires none of these im-
                   aginary preconditions. It teaches that living things were flawlessly cre-
                   ated by Allah, in their complete and present forms, and with all their
                   characteristic features. For that reason alone, it does not presuppose
                   that “later” form of life must be more complex than the one that preced-
                   ed it. There is no need to observe similarities of structures and behav-
                   iors between different living groups. On the contrary, the fact of crea-
                   tion suggests that all living things were created with their own unique
                   structures, and can be conveniently classified into distinct groups on
                   the basis of anatomical characteristics.

                 During the Cambrian Period, life forms
                 with very different characteristics and
                 very complex structures emerged sud-
                 denly, with no ancestors preceding them.
                 These species emerged with no intermedi-
                 ate forms, but left their flawless forms in
                 the fossil record. This is the result of
                 Allah’s immaculate creation.

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