Page 26 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 26
The Cambrian Evidence That Darwin Failed to Comprehend
end of which its descendents have developed into another species
entirely. In that case, evidence of the long transformation period—
fossils of at least some of the various intermediate forms—should
exist in the Earth’s fossil record. Since they lived in a kind of transi-
tional period, many of these transitional forms had yet to complete
the development of their more sophisticated organs, and must have
been deformed, crippled and deficient in some way.
Since this supposed process of evolutionary change lasted for
millions of years, these alleged intermediate forms must have exist-
ed on Earth for almost the entire intervening time—and should have
left a great many surviving traces in the fossil record.
That is exactly what Darwin believed. He expected that later
fossil researchers would unearth the intermediate forms in question
that would thus confirm his claim. He formulated his theory in the
light of this hope—which was devoid of any scientific basis.
Darwin’s theory required that countless intermediate
forms must once have lived—and as he himself stated: