Page 21 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 21


          Cambrian life forms, the invalidity of Darwinist attempts to interpret the
          fossil record, and the current hopeless situation of evolutionists and their
          unscientific beliefs. The second section considers the living fossils that
          defy the theory of evolution.
               The Cambrian explosion is just one of the glorious creations of
          Allah that modern science has managed to discover. Almighty Allah
          brought all living things into existence simply by commanding them to
          “Be!” His flawless creation is revealed as follows in one verse:

               He is Allah—the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him be-
               long the Most Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and Earth
               glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Surat al-Hashr, 24)

               The Cambrian, Evolution and Creation

               Before moving on to consider the Cambrian explosion itself, we first
          need to briefly compare what features are to be expected from the fossil
          record according to the theory of evolution, versus creation.
               Darwin’s theory of evolution claims that all forms of life are de-
          scended from one original single cell. According to that claim, all the mil-
          lions of plant and animal species must have descended from this single
          cell. In the fossil record, therefore, there should exist various traces of the
          “family tree” deriving from this common ancestor. Evolutionists main-
          tain that there is a direct line of descent between this imaginary first cell
          and all later living species, from fish to primates and from octopuses to
          frogs. If this hypothesis is true, then it should have left available traces.
               1. An enormous number of intermediate forms, and
               2. A slow, incremental, gradual change in the anatomy of specimens
          in the fossil record,
               3. The earliest living things should display a simple structure and
          show evidence of their development from even simpler forms,
               4. New life forms should emerge not as entirely different species, but

                                    Adnan  Oktar

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