Page 20 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 20
The Cambrian Evidence That Darwin Failed to Comprehend
the biological variety on Earth. It is indisputable that single-celled organ-
isms are highly complex life forms that make an enormous contribution
to the survival of life on Earth. Yet the structures possessed by single-
celled organisms are far less complex than those in multi-celled organ-
isms, which display an extraordinarily advanced variety and complexi-
The Cambrian Period is the name assigned to that geological age
when all the present-day phyla of multi-cellular organisms suddenly ap-
peared. So sudden and comprehensive was their appearance that many
scientists refer to it as “the Cambrian Explosion.” The late evolutionist pa-
leontologist Stephen Jay Gould has described this phenomenon as “most
remarkable and puzzling event in the history of life,” while the evolution-
ist zoologist Thomas S. Ray writes that the origin of multi-cellular life is an
event of comparable significance to the origin of life itself.
The last 25 years have seen a major increase in our knowledge of the
Cambrian Period, and the extraordinary nature of its “explosion” has at-
tracted enormous scientific interest. Scientists analyzing the discoveries
made by various disciplines have realized that this phenomenon is one
that took place even more suddenly, and in an even more unique man-
ner, than they had previously imagined. Our better understanding of the
concrete facts and characteristics unique to the Cambrian explosion has
resulted in reliable explanations for the origins of multi-celled organisms
and of life in general.
This information, obtained in the light of modern science, actually
constitutes proofs of Allah’s flawless creation during the period in ques-
tion. Modern scientific discoveries regarding this phenomenon—which
Darwin himself described as a “serious difficulty”—have sounded the
death knell for the theory of evolution.
The subject of the origin of life on Earth cannot be fully understood
without a thorough knowledge of what actually took place in the
Cambrian explosion. To that end, all the details and facts discovered to
date about the Cambrian Period have been set out in this book.
The first section deals with the ingeniously complex structures of