Page 23 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 23
When you examine the information regarding the Cambrian ex-
plosion provided by paleontologists, you can clearly see why this infor-
mation verifies creation while demolishing the theory of evolution.
That explosion saw the emergence of dozens of organisms distin-
guished from one another by enormous differences. This reveals that
there are unbridgeable gaps—in terms of both descent and complexi-
ty—between the complex living things that appeared during the
Cambrian and those that existed before.
So striking are these differences that evolutionists, who need to be
able to prove continuity between living groups, have been unable to es-
tablish any familial links between them, even on the theoretical level.
The Cambrian Period shows that even the very earliest creatures
appeared suddenly with all their exceedingly complex structures—
which is exactly what creation teaches. The origin of the perfect struc-
tures possessed by living things is creation by Allah. These perfect
structures exhibit no deficiencies, no missing or functionless stages of
the kinds predicated by the theory of evolution. Instead, each one ap-
pears in flawless fashion in the fossil record.
In short, the Cambrian explosion makes the absence of continuity
in the fossil record plain for all to see; and this constitutes one of the
most concrete pieces of evidence for creation.