Page 75 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 75

bacteria underground are much slower than those of bacteria on the
            surface. A normal bacterium divides every 3 to 4 hours, whereas
            these underground bacteria divide once every 100 years! These or-
            ganisms can live for millions of years without having any contact
            with the surface —major evidence that these bacteria in question
            were specially created to refine gold, an instructive phenomenon
            that shows Allah's flawless Creation. Bacteria change their rate of

            reproduction according to their environment. Certainly no single-
            celled creature behaves in a conscious manner. It is Allah, the
            Omniscient, the Most Intelligent of all intelligent beings, Who in-
            spires their behavior and calculations.

             Bacteria living in gold beds accelerate the sedi-
             mentation of microscopic gold particles as the
             feed on rocks, and give rise to gold deposits un-
             derground. Allah has made bacteria a means
             whereby gold, which adorns our lives, comes into
             being.                                                                  HARUN YAHYA

                                                                                     (ADNAN OKTAR)
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