Page 70 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 70

Other Activities of Bacteria
                       There are very definitely other important features in bacteria,
                  which make such a major contribution to life on Earth by making

                  photosynthesis, protect our bodies, give rise to the most important
                  life cycle on Earth, but which are so small as to be invisible to the
                  naked eye, addition to displaying the superior intellect and artistry
                  in their Creation. Bacteria also represent the source of the world's
                  iron reserves, and even of the iron in our bodies.

                       Some bacteria possess the ability to separate out the iron dis-
                  solved in sea water, consuming the iron molecules and concentrat-
                  ing them in their own bodies. The iron thus concentrated then
                  forms layers on the sea bed. Over the course of millions of years,
                  these layers are raised up into mountains and form enormous veins
                  of iron oxide. When these layers are dug up, a large quantity of iron

                  molecules become released into the air. Then, all unknowingly, we
                  breathe in this iron dust—absorbing molecules of the greatest im-

                                                                           Bacteria sepa-
                                                                           rate iron dis-
                                                                           solved in wa-
                                                                           ter and con-
                                                                           centrate it.
                                                                           This iron later
                                                                           turns into iron
         THE MICROWORLD MIRACLE                                            and over the
                                                                           strata in the
                                                                           ocean floor

                                                                           course of mil-
                                                                           lions of years
                                                                           gives rise to
                                                                           the iron beds
                                                                           in mountains.

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