Page 73 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 73

These organisms that break down rocks contribute to the food
            chain in the sea by breaking down necessary chemical substances,
            performing a fundamental function in maintaining life at the bot-
            tom of the ocean.  37
                 Bacteria in lakes are also responsible for preparing essential

            minerals and nutrients over the summer months. As plants and an-
            imals in lakes become active again, having lain dormant through-
            out the winter, all the minerals and nutrients they now require have
            been released by bacteria over the cold months. Over the winter,
            bacteria break down organic wastes—dead animals and plants and

            other waste products that sink to the bottom—into their component
            minerals. They thus clean the lakes of debris, while various miner-
            al products collect at the lake bottoms. When living things wake
            up in the spring, they find their nutrients ready and available.

       The foods and minerals needed by plants and animals which live in a state of sus-  HARUN YAHYA
       pended animation in lakes throughout the winter as they return to life are prepared
       by the activities of bacteria. Throughout the winter bacteria break organic wastes
                                                                                     (ADNAN OKTAR)
       that sink to the bottom into minerals and prepare food for the re-awakening of na-  71
       ture in the summer.
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