Page 61 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 61

                               The Intricacies of the Evil's Alliance

                  However the vanquishers were not the armies and the
              Pharaoh but the Prophet Moses (as) and his followers, who
              were driven out of their land, and who were oppressed and
              despised because they were in the minority.
                  Essentially, that those under the command of Pharaoh
              represented the majority by no means proved their rightness.
              From the Qur'an we learn that the majority put their faith not
              in what is right, but in what misleads one from the right path.
              Also, we learn that they are liars:

                  If you obeyed most of those on earth, they would
                  misguide you from God's Way. They follow nothing but
                  conjecture. They do nothing but lie. (Surat al-An'am:
                  Moreover, the good, even if they are the minority, will
              always prevail over the evil ones, though they outnumber
              the good. God gives glad tidings of this in this verse:

                  'How many a small force has triumphed over a much
                  greater one by God's permission! God is with the
                  steadfast. (Surat al-Baqara: 249)
                  Ultimately, it is a fallacy and misconception when some
              put forward various excuses to the good saying, "but these
              are the beliefs, moral values and the life-style maintained by
              the majority". Therefore, we must keep in mind that adhering
              to the path the majority follow is not necessarily the safest
              way, since, as also stressed in the verses above, it is nothing
              but a grand delusion.
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