Page 66 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 66
The Two-faced Members of the Evil Alliance:
The most errant and troublesome members of the evil
alliance are the hypocrites. Hypocrites are those insincere
people who dubiously present themselves as the allies of the
good. From the Qur'an, we know that these people conduct
themselves as believers outwardly, though they actually keep
company with the evil. These people feign forthrightness and
honesty while they are among the good, but in privacy, or
once they return to their real allies, they disclose their true
wicked intentions. God reveals this trait of the hypocrites in
the Qur'an as follows:
They have the word, 'Obedience!' on their tongues but
when they leave your presence, a group of them spend
the night plotting to do other than what you say. God is
recording their nocturnal plotting. So let them be and
put your trust in God. God suffices as a Guardian.
(Surat an-Nisa': 81)
When they meet those who believe, they say, 'We
believe.' But then when they go apart with their satans,
they say, 'We are really with you. We were only
mocking.' But God is mocking them, and drawing them
on, as they wander blindly in their excessive insolence.
(Surat al-Baqara: 14-15)
There are two main reasons why hypocrites associate
themselves with the good despite the fact that they are
inwardly wicked. First, they want to spy on the good for the
evil. Secondly, they endeavour to stir unrest and carry out
mischief among the good, and provoke the wicked against